Month: April 2010

Pineapple Sweet Sour Meat

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1/2 fresh pineapple cut into medium slices

1/2 kg lean beef cut into medium slices

10 pcs dried chillies blended

2 stalks lemon grass, sliced.

2cm ginger sliced like match stick

1/4 cup vinegar

3 tablespoon brown sugar

1 teaspoon salt

1cup plain water

2 tablespoon black soy sauce

2 pcs onions sliced

4 pcs shallot sliced

1 teaspoon cinnamon powder


1. Mix beef with salt,  black soy sauce set aside then fry until slightly tender.

2.In a separate pan saute onions and shallots until brown then stir in dried chillies and lemon grass.

3. Add ginger, cinnamon powder, vinegar,water into the chillies mixture stir awhile until slightly thick.

4. Add beef stir until mix well .

5. Add cut pineapple  and brown sugar.